The following specimens were found in 2003-2005 in China on the Tibetan Plateau (see map). Further details see Plank (2010)
Map of samples (Plank 2010)
Acricotopus longipalpus-type
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2 (or 1 with an incision)
- seta S1: 7
- mandible: 3.5-1-0-1 (inner-apical-outer-surface) +/- large surface plate
- mentum: middle 2, lateral 7 teeth (behind the 1st lateral is a small accessory tooth), beard present submental setation below 3.5st lateral teeth 4th instar (slightly worn mentum)
This species is similar to that one in Zelentsov 1989 but this 4th stage has a worn mentum.
Head of Acricotopus longipalpus
Acricotopus ?lucens-type
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible 1 or 2 +1 (apical slightly incised +basal)
- seta S1 1.8
- mentum: no accessory tooth next to 1st lateral, middle worn, 7 lateral teeth, submental setation below 3.5 lateral tooth, strong beared
- mandible 3-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface)
- 3rd instar?
- quite strong postoccipital margin
Head of Acricotopus ?lucens-type
Cricotopus salinophilus Zinchenko et al. 2009
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2+1 (apical+basal);
- seta S1: 2 long;
- mentum: 1 median tooth, 6 lateral, submental setation (extremely) laterad;
- mandible: 3.5/4-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface), outer margin slightly engraved
- postoccipital margin: brown
- antenna: blade ratio=1
Head of Cricotopus salinophilus-type
Cricotopus shilovae Zelentsov 1989
See also the species page with full detailed description
Solved: former named Cricotopus-Orthocladius indet 1 it is Cricotopus shilovae Zelentsov 1989.
- premandible 1+1 (apical+large basal);
- seta S1 1;
- mentum: dark brown-black, 1 middle tooth, 6 lateral teeth, submental setation below 5th lateral tooth,
- mandible 3.5-1-0-0 strongly engraved at outer margin;
- antenna: RO-ratio (RO/ant-1st) ~0.22, blade ratio=1 i.e. as long as remainig antennal segments
- postoccipital margin darkbrown-black
Head of Cricotopus shilovae-type
Metriocnemus terrester-type
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2+2 (apical+basal)
- seta S1: ?
- mandible: 4-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface)
- mentum: 1 middle, 5 lateral teeth
- submental setation below 4th lateral teeth
Head of Metriocnemus terrester-type
Tanytarsus gracilentus Holmgren 1883
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible 5
- mentum 1 tooth paler than outer 5 teeth, dark plate behind mentum;
- antenna: 5 segments, pedicells ~ 2x 3-5th ant.segment, no spur; antennal pedestal: ~1.5x L:W;
- mandible 3-1-3-2;
- postoccipital margin dark brown, - plate well develloped trapezoid;
- gula brown;
Head of Tanytarsus gracilentus-type
Tanytarsus lapponicus-type Lindeberg 1970
See also the species page with full detailed description
Solved: former named T. lugens indet 1
- premandible: 4+1 lateral spine,
- mandible: 3-1-2-2 (inner-apical-outer-surface),
- mentum: lateral 5 teeth
- 3rd instar
- antenna 5 segments with small laterborn organs? on pedicells: ~1.5x 3-5ant., antennal pedestal ~1xwidth, no spur
- head brown
Head of Tanytarsus lapponicus-type