Tanytarsus gracilentus Holmgren 1883

(By Andreas Plank from 21st April 2008, last modified 19. March 2019)

Below  you can read older comments.


  • premandible 5
  • mentum 1 tooth paler than outer 5 teeth, dark plate behind mentum;
  • antenna: 5 segments, pedicells ~ 2x 3-5th ant.segment, no spur; antennal pedestal: ~1.5x L:W;
  • mandible 3-1-3-2;
  • postoccipital margin dark brown, - plate well develloped trapezoid;
  • gula brown;

Mandible (2nd/3rd? instar):

(Click on the image to slide through)

Images of Mandible (2nd? instar) Tanytarsus_gracilentus_man_02-YeR-49-3-9_

Old Comments


Andreas Plank wrote at Friday, 5th September 2008 11:14:25 (GMT)

Is Tanytarsus gracilentus possibly Corynocera oliveri? Because 'every' character seems the same. What about the dark plate behind mentum for Corynocera oliveri?


Andreas Plank wrote at Tuesday, 24th March 2009 16:24:54 (GMT)

I can answer myself from an an interesting thread at the chironomidae listserver [http://lists.vm.ntnu.no/pipermail/chironomidae/2009-March/thread.html#93]) Elisabeth Sturm answered in that thread:
Hi Andreas and Ian,
We are going to introduce a Tanytarsus larvae of the 'gracilentus' type at the symposium in China [17th Symposium on Chironomidae, see Chironomus Newsletter 21]. Funny thing with this larva is that the mentum and mandibles look like the drawings of Hoffmanns C. oliveri larvae, but it is associated to a partenogenetic Tanytarsus adult. There is no dark plate behind the mentum like in T. gracilentus. We have pupa and female associated through a pharate female, and the larva is associated through DNA barcodes (just as we promised you Ian :) ).
All the best,