Unknown Species
I hope these Chinese specimens are not determined completely wrong… :-/ Comments or suggestions to give a better name is much appreciated, thanks a lot! Many images are preliminary—I know—and I'll replace them by sharper one and add more information as well
Andreas Plank (2008-05-29)
The following specimens were found in 2003-2005 in China on the Tibetan Plateau (see map). Further details see Plank (2010)

Map of samples (Plank 2010)
Acricotopus indet 1
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2 (or 1 with an incision)
- seta S1: 2 (bifid)
- mandible: 4-1-0-2 (inner-apical-outer-surface) large incised surface teeth/plate
- mentum: middle 2, lateral 7 teeth (2 are hidden behind the 1st lateral), beard present
- submental setation below 3.5st lateral teeth
- seems to be a 4th instar

Mentum of Acricotopus indet1
Chironomidae indet 1
See also the species page with full detailed description
- mentum: 1 median tooth, 6 lateral
- mandible: 3-1-1-3 (inner-apical-outer-surface)
- postoccipital margin: lateral a broad ligament
- antenna: not available

Mentum of Chironomidae indet1
Chironomidae indet 2
See also the species page with full detailed description
- mentum: 1 median tooth, 6/7 lateral;
- mandible: 3-1-0-2 (inner-apical-outer-surface) large surface teeth;
- premandible 2; seta S1 bifid but incised;
- postoccipital margin: dark brown
- antenna 5-segments, RO in the lower 3rd of segment 1

Mentum of Chironomidae indet2
Cricotopus sylvestris-gr. indet 1
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible 2+1 (apical+large basal)
- seta S1 1.8 (inner shorter than outer)
- mentum: 1 middle tooth, 6 lateral teeth, submental setation below 3.5th lateral tooth
- mandible 3-1-0-0 strongly engraved at outer margin
- antenna: RO-ratio (RO/ant-1st) ~0.15
- postoccipital margin pale i.e. yellow

Mentum of Cricotopus sylvestris-gr. indet 1
Cricotopus sylvestris-gr. indet 2
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2+1 (apical+basal);
- seta S1: seems 1 simple long;
- mentum: 1 median tooth, 6 lateral, submental setation (extremely) laterad;
- mandible: 3.5/4-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface), outer margin slightly engraved
- postoccipital margin: brown
- antenna: blade ratio=1

Mentum of Cricotopus sylvestris-gr. indet 2
Diamesinae indet 1
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: ? seta S1: ?;
- mentum: 2 median teeth, 5-6? lateral, submental setation laterad;
- mandible: 4-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface);
- postoccipital margin: brown;
- antenna ?

Mentum of Diamesinae indet 1
Diamesinae indet 2
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: ? seta S1: ?;
- mentum: 1 median, convex tooth (~3-4 x 1st lateral) and 8-9? teeth lateral, submental setation below ~8th lateral tooth; quite large ventromental plates
- mandible: 4-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface);
- postoccipital margin: brown with a braod ligament;
- antenna 5 segments

Head of Diamesinae indet 2
Pagastia indet (Diamesinae indet 3)
See also the species page with full detailed description
- mentum: 2 small median teeth, 6/7? lateral, submental setation very far away caudad below 6/(7?)th lateral tooth, large ventromental plates;
- postoccipital margin: dark brown
- possibly Pagastia

Head of Pagastia indet (Diamesinae indet 3)
Diamesinae indet 4
See also the species page with full detailed description
- mentum: 1 middle, 5-6 lateral, submentla setation below the outermost tooth
- premandible 4(5?) teeth
- mandible 6-1-0-0 (inner-apical-dorsal-surface), note: the 6 inner teeth have the pattern: 4 normal + 1 small + 1 normal, a lot of seta interna
- antenna 5 segments
- 3rd? instar

Head of Diamesinae indet 4
Orthocladius type-S
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 1+1? (apical+basal); seta S1: 2.0 i.e. bifid;
- mentum: 1 median tooth, 6 lateral, submental setation below 5-5.5th lateral tooth, long ventromental plates;
- mandible: 3.5-1-0-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface), outer margin strongly engraved;
- postoccipital margin: brown

Head of Orthocladius type-S
Pseudosmittia indet 2
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2+1 (apical+basal)
- seta S1: 2? can not be seen clearly
- mandible: 3.5/4-1-1-0 (inner-apical-outer-surface)
- mentum: lateral 5 teeth, submental setation below 1st lateral teeth
- early instar 2nd/3rd

Head of Pseudosmittia indet 2
Tanytarsini indet 1
See also the species page with full detailed description
- premandible: 2(+x)? (apical+basal),
- mandible: 3-1-2-1 plate (inner-apical-outer-surface),
- mentum: 1 middle (?crenate) lateral 5 teeth,
- 4th? instar,
- pop: postoccipital plate well developed (triangular),
- pom: postoccipital margin brown,
- head pale yellow,
- antennal pedestal: ~2x width, with well developed spuron pedestal (about as long as wide)

Head of Tanytarsini indet 1