
(By Andreas Plank from 22nd October 2008, last modified 19. March 2019)

Here you can download some useful files or PHP-scripts. To unpack them you can use the free unzip program 7-Zip.

R tutorial for statistics and graphics  “Grafiken in R” … download (German flag 5.8MB; version March 29, 2010)

R reference card for graphics (extract from German “Grafiken in R”) download German flag download English flag (430kB)

R-Reference card

R short reference card/sheet for common R-commands (2 DIN A4 pages, version March 29, 2010) … download English flag (306kB; Source: 360kB)

PHP script (version >= 5) for image outlines with elliptical Fourier analysis after Kuhl and Giardina (1982) ... download (30kB. Note: right mouse click: “Save target as…” and save as *.tar.gz archive)

PHP reference sheet (4 DIN A4 pages, version  April 15, 2010 php_reference_sheet.pdf , source as LaTeX php_reference_sheet.tex)

Documentation of some useful R user function of plot.depth() for plotting drilling cores, depth profiles or other proxies as pollen, diatoms, chironomids etc. Other included functions are: grDeviceUserSize() setting size of graphic device, arrowLegend() legend with an arrow and asking() asks the user a yes/no question …download  (1MB, version March 29, 2010)

CHIP Chironomidae Identification Program

CHIP Log/History

  • Tue Dec 15 2009 (updated)
    • fixed bug for limitations in some DB fields: extended DB text-fields characters.notes, characters.ecology to LONGTEXT and names_authors.title to TEXT to save more data
    • fixed bug for HTML unordered lists
      added HTML tags as input possibility
  • Wed Dec 9 2009 (updated)
    • removed some bugs while saving a page, added textcite possibility
  • Wed Sep 23 2009 (updated)
    • added filter support for tables
    • added some wizards for insert references and tables
  • Sun Jul 19 2009 (updated)
    • section editing implemented
  • Sat Jul 11 2009 (updated)
    • improved measurement facilities in PHP-files implemented



Wolf-Christian Lewin wrote at Tuesday, 24th November 2009 09:24:50 (GMT)

Dear Sire or Madam,

I am very interested in the "chip" program, unfortunately, the registration page does not work. I would be grateful for any informations if there is another possibility to get the program

yours sincerely

christian lewin


Andreas Plank wrote at Tuesday, 24th November 2009 19:52:19 (GMT)

Dear Christian Lewin,

due to upgrade of PHP 5.2 -> 5.3.1 some fixes were necessary and login should work now. By the way in PHP 5.3.1 are some changes and depreciated functions that might cause warnings in CHIP. When I have time I'll do some adjustments but until PHP 5.3.0 CHIP is running sweetly.

Kind regards,
